This year has passed faster than the speed of light and we can’t believe it’s already time to announce our Annual Photo Contest! The entries from the past two years have more than impressed us, but we could not be more excited to see what this year’s competitors have in store. During these unprecedented times, the optical industry has evolved, advanced, and overcome. New technology, new processes - there’s more to photograph than ever before! The grand prize is available for all applications, regardless of the field. From flow cytometry to astronomy, we’re ready to see it all.
Omega Optical is accepting photography and video applications from now until September 30th, 2021. What are we looking for in an image? One that captures innovation in your field, demonstrates an instrument using integrated filters, or showcases relevant work you’ve done - however, we’re always looking for entries that are creative, unique, and get us thinking. You can submit your entry here or send us an email at photocontest@omegafilters.com. Make sure to include your name, the image, a brief description, and the name of the filter used.
First-place prize is $500, second-place prize is $200, and third-place prize is $100, so enter today! All entries may be featured on one of our social media sites (with permission), so make sure you follow us there! We look forward to seeing your images and learning more about your ingenuity!