At Omega Optical, we have a lot to be thankful for. Our incredible staff. Our amazing customers. A state-of-the-art campus. The list goes on and on. It can be hard in such overwhelming times to lose sight of this gratitude, but our Omega family has always done their best to remain optimistic and appreciative. This year, we were able to directly ask our team what they were thankful for and their answers are just incredible. From the opportunity to learn to time spent with the family in quarantine, our team members let us know what’s really important to them - and we are proud to have a staff with such great values. Read on to learn exactly what our Omega family is thankful for this holiday season.
Within Omega, we’re thankful for…
Loving my job every day. Grateful for the opportunity.
I am thankful for my team! Working with them is so much fun, I only wish we could be in the office together!
I'm thankful for the wealth of knowledge here and those who take the time to explain it, even to me (someone who's not scientifically inclined).
I am thankful to work with such lovely and kind humans. There is always a smiling face and a warm hello waiting around every corner.
I am thankful for our Valued Customers.
I am thankful for a workplace where I feel as safe as I do at home.
For the great staff we have here at Omega, who care very much about each other.
I'm really thankful to be working with such incredible people! The team here at Omega is overwhelmingly enthusiastic, kind, and passionate about what they do - and I'm proud to be a part of that.
The opportunity to learn every day.
The improvements that are coming with the Artemis acquisition!
Every staff member showing up at the campus every day to work despite the continuing pandemic. You're all amazing! I have unfathomable gratitude for your enduring support, bravery, and patience. It seems an understatement to call these difficult times after all the last year has brought to pass, but they certainly are and the grace and creativity the staff have approached the challenges with is admirable.
A great team of people to work with.
Endless, stimulating challenges and people interested in solving them.
Outside of Omega, we are grateful for...
My friends, my family, and a sense of humor!
I am thankful for my family. They inspire me to work hard and lift me up when I need it.
I'm always thankful for my health and family but also the ability to explore and appreciate this Green Mountain State.
I am thankful for my home, my friends, and my family.
Thankful for the health I have.
I live in a place with lots of outdoor space.
I'm really grateful for my friends and family. These past few months have been tough, but I feel like I've grown so much closer to the people around me.
My family. We've mostly been together the five of us in our tiny house for the last many months. Despite rarely seeing anyone we're not related to every single day we still manage to work together and find joy in almost every day, staying optimistic and safe and constantly thankful for the support of our community!
My family and friends.
My wife, for putting up with me!
And within Omega Optical, we’d like to thank...
Patrick Morrissey.
Bob Mann- where would we be without him?
So many to list but 2, in particular, are Stephanie & Raychelle. Through the crazy year we've had, Raychelle always stepped up and tackled whatever challenge we faced. And Stephanie, what can I say I've learned so much from Stephanie this year, from learning Purchasing to helping me with process improvements. I'm grateful for both these strong women who've been challenged and stretched and made my workday and year brighter.
I am super grateful for Erin Hartgraves and Bob Mann. It would take me hours to write down all the reasons why I am grateful for you both. But if I to sum it up in just a few words I would say thank you for your support, thank you for your patience, and thank you for the kind warm energy you fill Omega with each and every day.
The three Women Who Tell Me What to Do: Stephanie, Maria, and Diana.
Jennifer LoCascio does incredible work and is committed to making Omega a great place to work.
Erin Hargraves! Erin is always there for me and the rest of our team. She never hesitates to help out, always laughs at my bad jokes, and reminds me why I love working here. Thanks, Erin - you rock!
EVERYONE! Especially the people working at the facility every day during the Pandemic.
Cathy Belcik for all of the daunting tasks she takes on every day.
Sheetal and Terry! Their support and dedication to being there to keep handling the engineering on-site tasks without fail has been incredible. They are great to work with and for and are really a blessing to our team.
All the people that put in that extra effort that makes all the difference.
... and a big thank you to the entire Omega Optical Staff!
It is so heartwarming to see what a strong family this team has become. At Omega Optical, we promise to bring this same sense of commitment and collaboration to your projects, as we remain committed to innovation, collaboration, and uplifting each other and our customers. After all - every day working at Omega Optical is a day to be thankful for.
Interested in joining our team? Check out our recruitment flyer or career page to see if there are any openings.
Happy Holidays everyone!