The Omega Optical Blog
Abby Clarke
Our HVP Production Coordinator
Employee Introductions
Employee Biographies
Employee Spotlight
We are so excited to have interviewed Abby Clarke for our first employee spotlight. Abby is the HVP Production Coordinator here at Omega Optical and works on many innovative projects on our campus. Her interview takes a deeper look into what working at Omega is really like, mentions a runaway goose, and gives worthwhile advice to those looking to go into similar fields.
Abby Clarke, Ashley Rollend

Filter Set / Cube
An In-Depth Look into Fluorescence Microscopy Filters
Application Spotlights
Filter Set
This blog post takes a deeper looker into what fluorescence microscopy filters are and how they work. Our explanation of these filters' components and principles will help you ensure you're buying the right part for your project and give you the background knowledge to succeed in optics.
Ben Stibbs

three colored, optic filters
Exciting Changes to our Customization Process
Application Spotlights
We are excited to announce that some major changes have been made to our Build-a-Filter form. This new form was created with the customer in mind - to make customizations faster, easier, and overall more effective. What can you expect from this new form? A new format, new ways to specify desired wavelengths, a review option, and more! Check out this post to learn more about these changes and to get a step-by-step walkthrough of how to best utilize this form.
Erin Hargraves, Calvin Gooley

Apple exposed to industrial filters for process control
Exploring Industry 4.0 and Application Capabilities
Application Spotlights
Industrial & Commercial
UV Filters
Process Control
Omega Optical is proud to supply industrial optical filters for a variety of applications, including process control. In this blog post, we take a look at the history of industry and using optics for process control. We analyze a case study about inspecting semiconductors and try to grasp the exciting scope of this application.
Ben Stibbs

omega optical worldwide headquarters;  delta campus
Omega Optical's New Blog
Application Spotlights
content types
Our introduction post for the blog outlines content types, posting schedules, and more. Here you can learn more about the team who makes 'Behind the Science' possible and get an exciting sneak peek into what's to come this year with the blog.
Ashley Rollend